Making Friends Animation Video

Making brand-new friends isn't simple. You question, "Will they like me" or "What if I say something ridiculous", or "What if I don't have anything to say at all?"
we all get a little anxious meeting brand-new people but there are plenty of things you can do to make it easier. Like what?

  • Smile first- people seem a lot more welcoming and friendly when they smile. Plus it's not hard to smile at somebody when they're smiling at you.

  • Compliment them- it's as simple as discovering their cool tennis shoes, knapsack or perhaps a song they like.

  • You can also praise them on something. I can be getting an excellent grade, winning a race, or helping another schoolmate.

  • Include them- welcome them to do an activity with you. People feel good when they are included.

  • Discover something brand-new- be open to brand-new video games or activities and you might make a brand-new pal.

See, making brand-new friends isn't so difficult after all.

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